Telugu Dictionary

by mostafa kamal

Books & Reference


Dictionary Includes following featuresNow You can read book news paper magazine, any books or text files without opening the dictionary , just tap and copy word from any other apps to see the meaning of the word. Need to Enable Quick Window for that.Auto detection of languages as you typeSynonyms, Antonyms, English sentences with ExamplesCategorized by verb, noun, adjective and adverbHistory, Bookmarks, Day word both on home screen and notification(Can be hidden from settings)Comprehensive word list which is synced with searchingExam Word tab which includes very important words for competitive examsA quick launch icon over any apps which helps to open the dictionary very quickly( can be enabled and disabled from display settings)Everything is customizable (Font color, Size, Background)Set Live wallpaper to learn word even when you are outside app.Add or update new word and meanings.